The olive harvest on Lake Garda is a millenary tradition that strongly characterises this area linked to the Northern part of Italy, yet so tied to Mediterranean rituals. Over the centuries, the shores of the lake have been shaped into terraces with dry stone walls to take advantage of the local particularly favourable climate. Today, these terraces yield inimitable, intensely golden-green fruit which also impressed famous writers such as Catullus, D’Annunzio, Goethe and Carducci.
Local varieties such as Casaliva and Pendolino are among the most sought after and give to the oil its typical characteristics derived from the specific microclimate: delicate, fruity scents, smooth taste and low acidity. On one hand the mountains protect against bad weather, while the ideal exposure to the sun guarantees mild days throughout the year, making the Garda olive groves a happy and extremely prosperous place.
To immerse yourself in the tradition and take part in the harvest, the territory offers walking trails of different levels around the municipality of Gargnano. Here among the hills, a native cultivar of Lake Garda, the Gargnà Lefay Vital Gourmet, originates and gets its name.
To discover the history of these products, all you have to do is walk between the village of Piovere and Musone, a hamlet in the municipality of Gargnano.
Here you can walk through some of the oldest olive groves on your way down to the town centre and lose yourself in the hustle and bustle of the harvest. Try to stop by and make your own contribution to the harvest while enjoying a timeless moment with your own hands. If you are lucky, the owners of these lands might thank you by sharing a taste of their home-grown delicacies.