From the kitchen of Grual restaurant, Matteo Maenza, Mirko Pistorello and Alessandro Nocella share the value of being part of a community, inside and outside the restaurant. This is the starting point for sharing a message and consolidate a genuine approach to sustainable gastronomy: “Creating a true, heartfelt bond with people is the only way to feel part of a community.
As an example, meeting Antonio Caola, an institution here in Pinzolo, was fundamental,” says Matteo. “Thanks to the spontaneous kindness of people like him, we had the chance to know and talk about a land that does not belong to us, but amezed us.” Immersed in a natural park, inspiration can be found all around, even taking your dog for a walk, as Alessandro says: “I collect herbs and ideas in the meadows between home and kitchen. And I take great inspiration by the ancient experience of people like Noris Cunaccia and her Primitivizia, who have made foraging a reason for living, and always give us incentives to distill new flavors. ”
Mirko, born and raised in Venice, was literally enchanted by the freshwater fish of Trota Oro, which raises the fishes with a sustainable approach, transmitting the best local traditions: “the great quality of their products always amazes me. They ignite our creativity, allowing us to use every component of the animal to avoid waste. When yuou have such a refined quality of ingredients, the job is almost done. We have to elevate the original flavors and give back a true, full, distinct taste. ”
Grual’s vision starts right here, from the exaltation of the best local products and producers, to create a network of connections and human relationships aimed at reflecting the beauty of a unique territory. Because you don’t necessarily have to go far to find the finest products and ideas.
“Creating a point of contact with what surrounds us also applies to the kitchen ecosystem: if I don’t share my roots with my team, I’m going to lose an opportunity for discussion and discovery. Stories are hidden in a land, behind the most authentic traditions, but also in our emotional memories. Mine, a Mediterranean soul in the Dolomites, but also my colleagues’s ones, who are equally hungry for expression and research.
Finding the time to listen to them and grasp the different points of view allows me to discover something new every day, without going too far. New worlds are right next to us, you just need to recognize them and give them a voice, “continues Matteo,” sustainability also represents the balance of a team. ”
A message of love and respect is based on deep knowledge and understanding. The Chefs wants to convey this kind of story behind their dishes, and let their Guests be willing to share these stories too. To inspire love, a spontaneus smile, or a memory of well-being and profound peace, which can guide through the best paths of life.