The Adamello Brenta Natural Park (625.83 sq km) is the largest protected area in Trentino. Established in 1967, it extends into Western Trentino and includes the Adamello and Brenta mountain ranges. It is crossed by the Val Rendena and surrounded by the valleys of Non, Sole and Giudicarie. With an altitude ranging from 477m up to 3558m, it is one of the most spectacular scenarios to be discovered at any time of the year. President Walter Ferrazza talks about it in an exclusive interview for Lefay Magazine.
Let’s start from the beginning: what does “natural park” means?
For me, “Natural Park”, means “Love for Life”.
Today the acknowledgement of “sustainability” offers us opportunities to think of a natural park as a laboratory where nature and human may co-exist. Humans must be seen as a fundamental part of nature so that any action may be evaluate as a principle to “active conservation”. The existence of natural parks must be considerate
as that humanity must engage to ensure a future made of wellbeing, quality of life, safety, and health.
When we talk about sustainability you use often the word “durability” …
The term “sustainability” is a modern concept and represents the most antique evolution of “durability”. This word has a more complete meaning because includes the origins, the future, and the concept of conservation.
Today the attention towards the environment is more present, especially within the younger generations. Our daily choices are more conscious regarding the need of durability, and this made us rediscover a more symbiotic relationship with nature. We have learned the damages caused by the industrial revolution and the approach toward ecology, surpassing the capability to be regenerated. The climate changes remain the biggest battle, for which have been created important events: the Paris Agreement, the 2030 agenda and, from the Autonomous province of Trento, the regional sustainability strategy project. Today we do build more efficient building, promote the recovery and longevity of products, educate to a more conscious consumerism, accolade eco-sustainable habits: we are now able to interact properly with the environment, but we still have a lot to achieve.
How may a Natural Park co-exist with tourism?
Tourism is a fundamental resource for our territory.
There is more and more the need to turn our Park into the main character that combines the needs of its communities and the environment, ruling the presence of its visitors.
For this the Park participate actively to the fine-tuning of a strategy for a different tourism, more sustainable, through direct activities such as the mobility plan (awarded at the “Santagata Award” foundation) and been part of the European Card of eco-friendly tourism.
The pillars of our engagements are since the very beginning, respect, safety, wide spaces, wellness.
What are the most iconic itineraries from Pinzolo?
You are asking me to tell you who is my favourite son! The environment, the panorama the singular culture make every corner of the Park a wonderful place to be discovered in summer as well as in winter.
It is possible to choose the nearby Val Genova, along the path of Nardis Waterfalls, Lares, Casina Muta and Pedruc, reaching then Corno di Cavento at 3,402 mt high; a memory of the first world war. For an easy summer and winter experience it is possible to discover Val Nambrone, from the Amola grazing to the Nambrone Waterfall. Families may follow the path that reaches Lago Nambino, from Patascoss hut or from the Piana di Nambino. For those who do not enjoy walks, shuttles may help visitors to reach some panoramic points and over 170 itineraries may help visitors to discover the territory and its traditions. Finally, the Park houses, such as “Casa del Parco-Geopark” located in the nearby village of Carisolo, representing some interacting information regarding the reserve.